Core 1: Interaction

Event Website


Think of an event you’d like to go to as soon as it’s safe to do so. The event can be fictitious or realistic. Consider all the content necessary to house on the event website (time, place, information, etc.).

You’ll design a responsive website that embraces the spirit of the event and contains all the relevant information for it.

Check Ins (Due Dates)

11/24 – Create a short presentation that introduces your event idea. This should include all logistical information [title, description, time, place, location, purpose (why is it happening)], a site map or site content list, and wireframes that highlight the navigation and information hierarchy (no design yet)

12/01 – Develop 3 distinct visual directions for your event website. Each should include a title, description, visual research, and a distinct homepage design presented at a mobile scale

12/08 – Programming Check In

12/15 – Project is Due


HTML and CSS, optional JS

Due Date
